Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Fantasy Masquerade Ball "Labyrinth of Jareth" Celebrated 17 years

Photos & story by Karen Ostlund
Sypher Arts Studio presented the Labyrinth Masquerade XVII during the 4th of July weekend at the Legendary Park Plaza Hotel downtown Los Angeles.
Pre-show, lead choreographer Emily Arnstein.Producer Shawn Strider, far right
 The Royal Court of Sypher is a show for who has dreamed of a surrealistic fantasy, fading into a single night of dance and revelry. Music and visuals heighten your senses as the night shields the Goblin Court and the chambers surrounding it.

The artists of Sypher Studio offered a lavish event in which fantasy artists, costumers, special effects crews, dancers and stage combat performers participated in bringing a diverse host of creatures and mythologies alive through breathtaking costumes, elaborate environments, giant puppets and stage entertainment. 

Fantasy and imagination come to fruition as faerie wings and darkened wanderers step through the crowds.
Labyrinth of Jareth is one of the most elaborate masquerade events of the year. 
Giant puppets at pre-show
 Masqueraders attend in costumes ranging from beautiful fare, Victorian garb, artful Steam-punk, intricate armors, to a host of fantasy creatures and characters.
 For one weekend each year the portals to this legendary masquerade are opened to bring new dreamers into the folds of the realms of Sypher and grant masqueraders a unique opportunity to lose themselves within the ambiance of the ball as the outside world fades into a dream.
The sculpted halls are transported into a fantasy realm for a weekend of magical enchantment. Nobles and sprytes move through the court as lights, projections, music and live acts fill the main chambers.

The film Labyrinth of Jareth 1986 w/Bowie

The idea behind Labyrinth’s two days yearly masquerade is the 1986 British-American fantasy film “Labyrinth”directed by Jim Henson and produced by George Lucas. The film is based upon conceptual designs by Brian Froud.
The leading  film stars are David Bowie as Jareth, and Jennifer Connelly as Sarah.
The plot revolves around Sarah's quest to reach the center of an enormous otherworldly maze to rescue her infant brother Toby, who has been kidnapped by Jareth, the Goblin King.
 With the exception of Bowie and Connelly, most of the significant characters in the film are played by puppets produced by Jim Henson's Creature Shop.

Mila Siler performance in courtyard

The Labyrinth of Jareth is a Masquerade Ball based on Venetian tradition, Celtic faerie and goblin lore, and stories of fantasy and wonder. Lost within the borders of chaos and light, nobles dance among the Fae while goblins wait with hungry eyes in the wings of their court.

Tearoom line dancers
Lobby at Park Plaza Hotel, guests arriving

Grand Ballroom performers

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