Saturday, November 7, 2020

A 1600 Century Tale about American Indians & Slavery and Conflict of Law

 A Tale about American Indians & Slavery and Conflict of Law.

By Karen Ostlund
#AmericanCivilWar  #AmericanIndians  #Slavetrade  #AmericanHistory  #BritishHistoryMuseum

The African history in North America started during King Charles I of England.
He was rein from 27 March 1625 whose conflicts with parliament led to the civil war, which ended with his trial and execution 30 January 1649.
England had then colonies founded in both Virginia and Massachusetts.

Three distinctive tribes, the Powhatan, the Monacan and Cherokee dominated the inland territory known as Virginia during the 16th Century. Tobacco, and cotton were Virginia's premier cash crop during the colonial period.
The English people, living at colonies had a problem working outside at the plantations, because American Indians tribes controlled the inland. They came in a herd on horses to arrow English workers - which was a sign, to not expand themselves towards inland. There were then 574 recognized Indian Nations called tribes, nations, bands, pueblos, communities and native villages in the United States.

It was always someone looking out for the English workers outside, because when an American Indian herd was seen from far away, everybody had to rush inside and reach for a rifle and hide.
Smearing brown shoe-polish on the arms and face could be a savor from being arrowed, because American Indians had ignored the American pygmies with brown skin and straight black hair, living in the forest by water for 700 years.
American Indians believed brown skin originated from underneath-earth and was without a law.
The American pygmies didn’t want to live in conservations with American Indians. They had therefor prepared a lethal poison to take together in large groups, to find new land after death - when the English military was seen by horizon, pushing the border with help of canons and rifles.

No Spanish or white could travel towards inland without taking the risk of getting arrowed or hanged by American Indians for trepassing.
At that time, only American Indians had a small amount of slaves, which were the children of the Spanish. killed during trespassing inland.
It was a human slavery because the Spanish slave could marry an American Indian in the tribe, and adopt an American Indian child,
No mixed race was allowed growing up in a tribe. If a pregnancy occured, the newborn was taken to the border to be raised by Spanish women.

King Charles I  of England came up with an idea to recruit and pay African workers to work outside at the plantations in Virginia, but farm-style housing for them, needed to be built first. 

The wood of the ground of the farm-housing can be tested today, to found out the exact year.
(There are still online listing of plantation-work, for a salary in Virginia)

King Charles I needed help from a Slavic shipping company, which was known for having  the longest experience in building ships, but also known for dealing with black slave-trade around the coast of Africa, during the 1300 Century.
The shipping company had stopped with the black slave-trade since long, and were now working with everything valuable at sea, as gold and precious stones. They wrote with the Cyrillic alphabet in their logbooks.

Traveling on a ship from the border of Africa to Virginia was a long complicated trip and only the best built ships were needed.
King Charles I had planned that an English crew would work onboard the ship to recruit black workers around the coast of Africa, then travel together to Virginia, where farmhousing was provided for them.

One hour after the ship left the African harbor with the black workers, an English ship came against them with a messenger, who read the law from a papyrus roll. It explained a conflict of law between the Slavic shipping-company and England.
The shipping company's law stated England needed to own the merchandise of the shipping going to Virginia, otherwise it belonged to them. The merchandise in this case was the black workers.
England had a specific law that they can't own colored workers, not even a King - but they can pay them as labor.
This law forced the English crew off the ship to continue on a smaller English ship. The Cyrillic language speaking shipping-company with the black workers onboard,  continued towards America without the English crew.
England had only one law about ownership of humans, which stated, that parents have ownership of their children.

The world-history had changed if:
The black workers had been taken back to Africa's coast, because they were already paid to go onboard.
Ignored the law for once. The shipping-company had planned to leave the black workers at the colony, and continued down Virginia’s coast in search for gold and precious stones.
Instead, the ships-owners had to stay at the destination in Virginia, to guard the black workers, because England was willing to pay for black labor.

As soon the horizon of the English colony was seen, the Slavic speaking crew started to to rope, each black worker with one crew member. One long rope was linked in-between them, that only the Captain could pull.
This made it impossible for the Englishmen on-land to separate the black workers from the ships-owners, who now owned them.
There was a law, that stated, if two countries have a conflict or a dispute on someone’s else land, no weapons can be used.
Only muscle-strength and ropes.

In the beginning, the slavery was a peaceful conflict, because England had provided housing and salary - but the black workers were still owned by the shipping company who guarded them. A whip, hold straight up, was used to keep order.

The problem started in the beginning of the end, when the slaves were too many and started to be auction off upstate.
 The auction was made on a stage, a way for the slaves to show physic and special skills, to get a better salary,

There was a severe whipping case reported in Connecticut state.
The ships-owners had started to have sex and create ancestors with the slaves, which was against their lawbook - unless it was war.

The Englishmen had only two slaves per family, because the black workers preferred to follow order from the Slavic language speaking crew.
Tests were made, where a slave was asked to point out a superior white in a group of mixed white. Only the Slavic language speaking white was chosen.

After the slavery was over, the English parliament created laws, so it will never happened again, which stated:
African countries and countries with ownership of colored people cannot use the English passport on US ground.

The same war has many names in history.
Oil-paintings featuring the American Civil War 1861-1865 are showing weapons used from the 1600 to 1700 Century.
During the 1600 Century, the pipes of the rifles and the big wheeled canons needed to be cleaned from gunpowder, with a long brush, before reloading an additional bullet, of compressed gunpowder.
The tip of the 1600 and 1700 Century rifle became a sword, after each bullet fired.

It’s printed online that American Civil War ended April 9 1865 and the black slavery in America ended with 13th Amendment, December 18 1865 - but it's most likely 1665.  
Why? Because its impossible for a “ non slave-trade country” as England to buy slave-labor for 245 years from a “ slave-trade country”, caused by a conflict of law from an English King (Charles I) - who went to trial and got executed January 30 1649.

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